速報APP / 教育 / ODC Tutor

ODC Tutor



檔案大小:14.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


ODC Tutor(圖1)-速報App

ODC represents partial pressure of oxygen on horizontal axis and saturation of hemoglobin on vertical axis. The normal sigmoid curve can be shifted to right or left on the app. which indicates the decreased and increased affinity of hemoglobin to oxygen respectively. As the curve shifts the app displays the causes for the shift. App. shows the fall in saturation of hemoglobin as the blood moves from the arterial to venous end and the oscillating cursor indicates the heart rate which can be changed. Application also displays the arterial and venous saturation. P50 value denotes the partial pressure of oxygen at which hemoglobin is 50% saturated (marked in the application).

Partial pressure of 60 roughly corresponds with Hb saturation of 90 and marks an important point (ICU Point) on ODC, as from here for a small drop in pressure; the drop in saturation is rapid. At partial pressure of around 500 hemoglobin is 100% saturation.

Some important points to remember.

PaO2 0 mm Hg. SaO2 0%

PaO2 10 mm Hg. SaO2 10%

PaO2 of approx. 25 mm Hg. SaO2 50%

(P50 value)

PaO2 60 mm Hg. SaO2 90% (the ICU point)

PaO2 150 mm Hg. SaO2 98.8% shows flat upper part of ODC

PaO2 500 mm Hg. SaO2 100%


Dr Satish Deopujari

Dr Lawrence Martin

Dr Vivek Shivhare

Dr Shruti Deopujari

Disclaimer: This app is based on literature and formula available publicly in Medical domain. The content displayed is intended for knowledge purposes and is a guide only. It does not replace or substitute for any Professional Medical Institute or Educational Organisation.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad